5joy2008 ......6JOY2009

we were 5joy. NOW WE ARE 6JOY. like sands in the hourglass these are the days of our lives.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grad Nite

Posted by DANIEL

I like grad nite because i get to perform live on stage and 6 joy loved it for me,i like it when my fren played nitendo WII on top of the stage....(got to spill it...)my fren actually is so (in chi terms)loso or what ever it is then he actually did quite well.....Round of applause for him....I also like it when i took pictures with miss farhana and Mr low!!!But i forgot 1 person who i like......or make it two......the two are..

1.miss nora
2.Mr faizal

Too bad that the two teachers is my top three on my list since miss tham left the school well look at the time now WoW better get to sleep
