5joy2008 ......6JOY2009

we were 5joy. NOW WE ARE 6JOY. like sands in the hourglass these are the days of our lives.

miss farhana is a great teacher and is good in her knowledge.
she knows what to do during a problem but is a bit fierce. but that is ok, cause she cares about us that is why she use almost all her time 4 us, and it is just 4 teaching us. she is a cheerfull teacher sometimes but on thursday she was is a bad mood we did not learn any new topics or revision only like spelling and stuff. then she like don care 1 i hope she is ok. miss farhana has achieved many things like teaching the enviroment dance 2 us and helped us in everything we do wrong.but when she start scolding she gets scary and look evil and ugh.................. i cannot describe it or make the word up in a sentence its just............... ok nevermind. the things she could do better is nothing because she is already very good but, cannot not be so harsh and don't scold too much if not her voice will be lost. last time mr fong was my teacher but he scold too much and lost his voice and must have MC and eat a lozenge or something to soothe his throat.