5joy2008 ......6JOY2009

we were 5joy. NOW WE ARE 6JOY. like sands in the hourglass these are the days of our lives.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What I felt when immunisation

Posted by Umairah

When I started to go in the immunisation room,I heard my friends screaming and shouting when the nurse injected my friends.That time,I felt so scared and my mouth was shivering.When it`s my turn,I really felt scared but my friends asked me to looked at them.When I looked at my friends,I did not felt any pain.That was my first injection and when my second injection,I need to drink something.The taste was bitter.When the nurse wanted to inject me,I sing a song.I felt a bit pain.After I went out of the room,I felt okay.That was my first injection in primary school.