5joy2008 ......6JOY2009

we were 5joy. NOW WE ARE 6JOY. like sands in the hourglass these are the days of our lives.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Safety Park(SOFINA)

Posted by s☮

I like going to the road safety park.The place itself looked fun,nice and uNiQuE.We had to play a game quiz and we had to follow road safety rules.If not,we would get demerit points which nobody wants.When we finish,we were allowed to eat,drink and play.My friends and me played Mushroom.After that,the instructer called us back into the auditorium as we would be watching a video clip about road safety.When i left the place,i felt very sad to leave and i hope that one day i could come there again.Bye!!